


The Resource Universities obligate themselves to implement the necessary measures, considering the specific situation of the country and university:

  • to augment the level of public resource awareness and to advocate a knowledge-based, neutral shaping of public opinion
  • to define education standards for sustainability of raw material processes with regard to content and quantity,
  • to ensure a close relationship between theory and practice
  • to promote scientific research as the fundament toward a higher level of educational quality
  • to carry out quality control of the educational standards
  • to ensure that relevant teaching content is freely available
  • to promote the mobility of students and lecturers with regard to encouraging an exchange of teaching contents and methods as well as knowledge
  • to develop a lasting international network


To realise these goals, the Resource Universities oblige to form working groups (initially) dealing with the following topics:

Responsibility of Universities:

  • Change of common paradigms
  • Reducing non-sustainable development
  • In addition to the earth resources as defined in the MoU, we have to consider the following:
    • Need to distinguish between fresh water and ocean water bodies
    • Impact on biosphere and landscapes
    • Urban mining
    • Recycling
    • Guideline development for cross-boundary resource utilisation
    • Information exchange and conference organization based on Internet, e-learning, new media
    • Development of common curricula and research
    • Quality control for teaching and research
    • Preparation of a concept for the development of resource awareness in society


  • Analysis of existing study programmes on raw material processes and of existing consideration of the aspects of sustainability
  • Analysis of the strengths and weaknesses
  • Definition of minimum requirements of teaching contents and volume regarding sustainable development in courses of study on raw material processes; the curriculum must be concise, not overloaded; integrated approaches and electives recommended
  • Development of appropriate teaching methods to support capacity building and entrepreneurial skills
  • Preparation of teaching materials and integration of best practice of sustainability science in training and further education programmes
  • Assurance of student mobility (excursions, partial studies, …) and of lecturers for the exchange, supplementation and qualification of teaching contents
  • Development of a new national and international study programme with a focus on sustainable raw material processes
  • Development of accreditation and certification tools for the quality assurance of the study
  • Development of key courses for sustainable development and for remote teaching
  • Development of interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary team teaching methods involving social, engineering, economic and natural sciences.
  • Including appropriate technology for artisanal and small-scale mining

International Networking:

  • Policy document preparation for a permanent World Forum on Sustainability (WFURS)
  • WFURS membership standard development
  • Ideas and suggestions for WFURS financing
  • Guideline development for cross-boundary resource utilisation
  • Concept development for regular information exchange and conference organization
  • Internet platform development to provide the latest information and teaching content
  • Establishment of a brand and of respective honours
  • Preparation of information and publicity material